FMX Applications

Food & Beverage Wastewater



Fish Thawing Water Treatment

Client: Fish Canning Facility, U.S.A.
Goal: Bacteria, micron and submicron organic particle removal, client would like to keep the thaw water useable for at least one week instead of the current 36 hour operation
Membrane: UF, 90,000 Dalton (FU-S400HB)
Average Flux: 160  liter / (m2 • hr)  [94.1 GFD]
Note: Full scale recirculation flow rate of 3,000GPM (680 m3/hr)

Thawing Water: Feed (left) and Filtrate (right)

Thawing Water: Feed (left) and Filtrate (right)



Winery Distillation Bottoms

Client: Commercial Winery, U.S.A.
Goal: Remove phosphorus and nitrogen from irrigation water
Membrane: NF
Average Flux: 64  liter / (m2 • h)    [38 GFD]
Note: Concentrated water to be used as feedstock for anaerobic digester

Feed (left), Concentrate (center), and Permeate (right)

Feed (left), Concentrate (center), and Permeate (right)



Grain Wash Process Water Treatment

Client: Commercial Brewery, U.S.A.
Goal: Concentrate grain wash water at 3% TS to greater than 12% TS so it can be used as animal feedstock. Reduce tipping fees associated with volume of grain wash water
Membrane: UF, 90,000 Dalton (FU-S400HB)
Average Flux: 124  liter / (m2 • hr)  [85.7 GFD]
Note: Pilot study operated at high temperature (48 o C/118o F)

Grain Wash Process Water Treatment Chart.png
WW Miller Left.png
WW Miller Mid.png
WW Miller Right.png

Wastewater solids removal: Feed (left), concentrate (center), and filtrate (right)



Beer Recovery from Trub Yeast

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Client: Commercial Brewery, South Korea
Goal: Recover beer from fermentation bottoms
Membrane: NF
Average Flux: 10  liter / (m2 • hr)  [6 GFD]
Note: Uniform RDF (*amount of sugar consumed) indicates the vortices do not harm the yeast (forced lysis)

Beer recovery from yeast: Feed (left), filtrate (right)

Beer recovery from yeast: Feed (left), filtrate (right)



Bakery Wastewater Treatment

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Client: Commercial Bakery, U.S.A.
Goal: Reduce and treat the water from wash cycle
Membrane: NF
Average Flux: 90  liter / (m2 • h)   [53 GFD]
Note: FMX helps prevent bio-fouling more than conventional membrane systems

Bakery wastewater: Feed (left) and Permeate (right)

Bakery wastewater: Feed (left) and Permeate (right)